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Portraitbild von Emma mit gefalteten Händen

Your oasis of well-being

It's so nice that you are here. 

I've been waiting for you

Everything is already prepared, feel at home.

Get ready for a journey to yourself, into your deepest inside and into your widest outside.

 Surrounded by lots of love.

Namaste dear soul!

My name is Emma

I am a yoga teacher, astrological consultant, psychotherapy student and have my Masters in Physics. I love to travel, learn, develop myself and above all connect with people.

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Portraitbild von Emma


Yoga from the comfort of your home

Emma in der Trikonasana Yogapose

The yoga I teach is accessible to everyone, safe and I want it to feel good.

Synergy Yoga is about tensing less, stretching less passively, breathing naturally, and moving actively from the core. Elements of physiotherapy, dance and qigong combine with the well-known yoga asanas to create a feel-good flow.

You are right here! 

The only requirement you should bring is curiosity, open-mindedness and a beginner mindset. 

I look forward to meeting you on the mat!

"For me, yoga means being one, with myself and with everything around me."




I don't believe that astrology predicts your life in detail. I believe that astrology is an incredibly valuable tool to meet yourself and find out all your potential strengths and weaknesses. Your radix horoscope is your very own treasure map of your personality, with all the already discovered and perhaps still undiscovered potentials that only you can bring into this life.



My offers for you

Do you want to meet yourself? Then book your own personal birth horoscope reading or connect with your body and related souls in an online yoga course. All very easy at home in your Safe Space.

Kobra Yogapose

onto the mat - into happiness

Yes, I finally want to get closer to myself and get started.

Upcoming Events

  • full moon circle
    full moon circle
    Date will be announced
    Location will be announced
    Date will be announced
    Location will be announced
    Date will be announced
    Location will be announced
    Connect with the power of the full moon
  • new moon circle
    new moon circle
    Date will be announced
    Location will be announced
    Date will be announced
    Location will be announced
    Date will be announced
    Location will be announced
    Connect with the power of the new moon



"Emma's yoga not only touched my body, but also my heart."


"You can tell that Emma puts so much love and work into every lesson and that as a trainer she is always present for every participant."


"I really found myself in my horoscope for the first time."



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